This is my third invitation to be invited to the Blacktown City Council Transport Forum on 20th September 2013 and our President, Angela Plows, her first time.
We both have been asked to speak at the forum and will provide you with updates, once the forum is completed.
Here is a little bit of history of the Blacktown City Transport Forum:
The Public Transport Forum was established in July 2000 in response to the need to have an ongoing structure through which public transport improvements in the Blacktown City Local Government Area can be co-operatively and effectively achieved.
The Forum has the following key objectives:
· Act as a forum for exchange of information on local and state public transport matters between transport operators, community groups and relevant agencies.
· Identify and consider the needs of the community with regard to public transport services and facilities.
· Facilitate and encourage improvements to the level of public transport services.
· Provide information and encourage input on Council's forward planning and activities in relation to public transport issues.
· Initiate and facilitate projects as recommended by the forum and approved by Council. Sub groups be formed to deal with more complex issues that will require additional research and investigation.
· With the assistance of Council, WSROC and any other supporting transport advocate group, lobby relevant authorities for alterations or amendments to Policy, Guidelines and Legislation (Federal Government, State Government, Local Government Association).