Saturday, February 5, 2011

Understanding Bus Drivers Issues With Angry Commuters - Results In Another Happy Bus Driver! (Number 15)

Well Bus Driver GQ 4717 has really inspired me this morning. Although originally not born in Australia, he seems to have the true Australian spirit as to how to treat commuters.

On the Busways 755 route around 10.30am he has told me he gets too many accolades from his superiors. In fact he said he is always happy even when he gets angry commuters complaining about being late. He even was quite free in telling me  of a story that happened to him which  made me realise everyone is 'human'.

A lady commuter was one morning upset on  him for being too late and yet his clock showed he was 2 minutes early. What had shocked him one week later on the same bus, was the same female commuter hopped on the bus and  totally apologised for her anti-social behaviour, rejected she even made him upset and offered a couple pieces of chocolate as a peace offering. She later explained she had some relationship issues with her husband and incorrectly took it out on him!

This is the 'Wow' factor! Wow she was honest enough to do this ( A bravery reward should be provide to her for what she had done)! She had the guts to admit  an error of human judgment mas made and  as soon as she could approach the person she hurt and ask for forgiveness! I think one in a thousand commuters would do this!

Well done bus driver GQ 4717 - you are on our Register - by the way, I'm sorry that I have now told the world that you ended up eating that small piece of chocolate and no I would not consider it as bribe!!!!! A reward from a commuter that want you to remain 'Happy'!

Click here for thr Happy Bus Drivers Regsiter:

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