We Celebrate As a Group a Succesful Year!
John & Allan |
Ivy, Anne and Jacqueline |
Anne, Jacqueline, Peter & Shane
Last Saturday, our group enjoyed a Christmas celebration. Officially I made it a non- transport discussion day but at the end we couldn't resist. We had thoroughly enjoyed ourselves this year and find this coming year as challenging as the last, still ensuring all commuters travelling buses, taxis, trains and alternate transport services around Mount Druitt. We are planing ahead for the future and have everyone in our group interests in doing what we need to do, before our group officially starts next year.
With a NSW State Election around the corner, we will need to contact all major, minor parties, independents and see what their suggestions around Mount Druitt is. A bit of work is to be done there - even an invite to go on a bus trip around Mount Druitt - visit community groups and see what is need to make improvements in public transport.
I'm the one with the Christmas hat - I always say that you need to get into the atmosphere!!!!!
Save Our Bus Services
Read our story on how we made it our priority to ensure bus services are re-instated from services taken away in 2009.
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