From the NSW Bureau of Statistics NSW & Sdyney Transports Facts - enjoy it:
Bureau of Transport Statistics
NSW population 7.3 mill at June 2011
Population growth 1.1% to June 2011
Forecast population 9.1 mill by 2036
Gross State Product (GSP) $419.9 bill 2010/11
Annual growth in GSP 2.2% to 2010/11
Contribution of transport to GSP $20.2 bill 2010/11
Sydney CPI change 3.0% to 2010/11
Total employment 3.6 mill at Nov 2011
Employment in transport 193,900 at Nov 2011
Labour force 3.8 mill at Nov 2011
Unemployment rate 4.9% at Nov 2011
Registered vehicles 5.6 mill at Sep 2011
Annual growth 2.3% to Sep 2011
CityRail Annual patronage 294.5 mill 2010/11
Patronage growth 1.9% 2010/11
Trains on time - peak 95.2% 2010/11
Daily services - weekday 2,640 2010
Daily services - weekend 1,813 2010
Stations 307 2010
Fleet size - carriages 1,685 2010
Track length 2,110 km 2010
Route length 1,050 km 2010
Service km each weekday 112,604 km 2010
Annual patronage 1.9 mill 2010/11
Destinations served 365 2009/10
Fleet (carriages and power cars) 102 2009/10
Metropolitan & Outer Bus Services
Routes 600 2010/11
Annual patronage 221.5 mill 2010/11
Patronage growth 1.6% to June 2011
Rural & Regional Bus Services
Routes 529 2010/11
Annual patronage 5.7 mill 2010/11
Length of roads 184,761 kms 2009
Total vehicle kms travelled 68.2 bill 2008/09
Ride quality and road smoothness (% good) 91.2% 2010/11
Travel speeds 7 major routes
- AM peak 29 km/hr 2010/11
- PM peak 42 km/hr 2010/11
Fatal road crashes 365 2010
Road fatalities 405 2010
Rail fatalities 6 2009
Aviation accidents 47 2009
Aviation casualties 6 2009
Domestic freight Road 64.0 billion tonne kms 2007/08
Rail 23.0 billion tonne kms 2007/08
Shipping 6.0 billion tonne kms 2007/08
Number of port calls 4,987 2008/09
Cargo loaded 116.0 million tonnes2008/09
Cargo discharged 30.1 million tonnes 2008/2009
Sydney Statistical division
Population 4.6 mill at June 2010
Population growth 1.7% to June 2010
Forecast population 6.0 mill by 2036
Employed 2.3 mill at Nov 2011
Labour force 2.5 mill at Nov 2011
Unemployment rate 4.9% at Nov 2011
Private vehicles 2.5 mill 2009/10
Average annual growth 2.3% pa 01/02 to 09/10
Vehicles per household 1.5 2009/10
Annual Patronage
CityRail 294.5 mill 2010/11
Bus 221.5 mill 2010/11
Sydney Ferries 14.5 mill 2010/11
Light Rail 3.7 mill 2010/11
Resident travel patterns
Average weekday trips 16.2 mill 2009/10
Average annual growth 0.8% pa 01/02 to 09/10
Average weekend day trips
15.1 mill 2009/10 Average annual growth 1.9% pa 01/02 to 09/10
Mode share
Car driver 46.7% 2009/10
Car passenger 21.2% 2009/10
Train 5.3% 2009/10
Bus 5.8% 2009/10
Ferry 0.3% 2009/10
Taxi 0.7% 2009/10
Bicycle 0.6% 2009/10
Walk only 18.5% 2009/10
Public transport commute mode share
To/from Sydney CBD in peak hours 75.8% 2009/10
To work within Sydney to 23.9% 2009/10
Trip purpose
Commute 15.9% 2009/10
Social/recreation 22.8% 2009/10
Shopping 15.9% 2009/10
Education/childcare 8.9% 2009/10
Work related 8.8% 2009/10
Distance travelled (average weekday)
Total km 133.6 mill 2009/10
Vehicle km 76.8 mill 2009/10
Duration of travel
Average daily time travelling per person 78.2 min 2009/10
Average trip duration 21.4 min 2009/10
Average commute trip 34.3 min 2009/10
Aircraft movements 275,126 2009/10
Passenger movements 34.5 mill 2009/10
Number of port calls 2,247 2008/09
Cargo loaded
- Sydney 5.4 million tonnes 2008/09
- Newcastle 92.5 million tonnes 2008/09
- Port Kembla 16.9 million tonnes 2008/09
Cargo discharged
- Sydney 19.9 million tonnes 2008/09
- Newcastle 3.1 million tonnes 2008/09
- Port Kembla 7.1 million tonnes 2008/09
NSW Targets
Share of public transport for peak hour commute trips
2009/10 2016/17 target
- Sydney CBD 75.8% 80%
- Parramatta CBD 39.6% 50%
- Newcastle CBD 14.5% 20%
- Wollongong CBD 8.7% 15%
- Liverpool CBD 15.7% 20%
- Penrith CBD 20.2% 25%
Share of journeys to work by public transport 23.9% 28%
Double share of bike trips for trips up to10km1. 8% -
Share of walking trips for trips up to 10km 22.5% 25%
Customer Satisfaction
Proportion satisfied with overall service:
- Train users 80.5% 2011
- Bus users 86.0% 201- Ferry users 95.8% 2011
Proportion satisfied with information services:
- Train users 69.7% 2011
- Bus users 67.3% 2011
- Ferry users 85.7% 2011