Thursday, March 8, 2012

Penrith Young Commuter Has Great Perception Of Public Transport!

Sash from Penrith, a young lady who inspired myself with the comments she provided today, made me sit back and realise there are individuals that would like to have a say on public transport that could provide stimulation on other conversations to spark great improvements.

What Sash's thoughts was along the lines of  Public Transport needs important planning along a grass root issue level as long as long as you have your local politicians supporting you on your side and then this in turn has a major affect in the wider picture for Western Sydney, Sydney and NSW Transport. 

What was also important she said, is young ones would like to have voice and have a say on public transport and didn't know of avenues of how to do until I provided her with our group details and  advise her of WSPTU details as well. For her Puklic transport is important to get to many places! This was something she would pass along to other young people thinking of future public transport.

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Save Our Bus Services

Read our story on how we made it our priority to ensure bus services are re-instated from services taken away in 2009.