Thursday, July 12, 2012

Hoggered Train-Seaters On Trains!

Rodel who usually sleeps in the morning trains is an 'expert commuter' from Rooty Hill has real passionate issues to see improvements in summer time trains where there is a lot of trains that travel to and from the Western Line, not air-conditioned. Thus he would suggest the solution is simple, supply air-conditioned trains in summer time to provide commuter comfort.

Another thing that he claims needs to be improved is 'Hogged Train-Seats' - need to be  left vacated, especially in high patronised train trips, were seats are required for commuters to sit on.

What are 'Hogged Train-Seats'? Well it is simple, it is when commuters siting on seats of a train  place baggage of some kind blocking and preventing other commuters from sitting down, in that same seat. Whilst other commuters are standing, the standing commuters are not offered a seat to sit on! Transport for NSW needs to take steps to educate commuters to be fair  and respectful to other commuters, especially in overcrowded trains, to take their seat that is available. Rodel would like to see harsh final fines impose t commuters applied to anyone being  'Hogged Train- Seater'!

And lastly, he would like newer trains to replace the older trains for commuter comfort!

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