Decorated buses spread Christmas joy
For the five weeks before Christmas, four buses are dressed up with Christmas decorations - three have lights and two even have Christmas trees.
About eight years ago, Mr Hession, of St Clair, came up with the idea.
"I was feeling a bit down and out so I approached the manager about decorating the bus for Christmas and it's grown from there," Mr Hession said.
Three years later he decided the decorated buses would be ideal for collecting money at Nepean Hospital's children's ward.
This year Mr Hession said he hoped the buses raised about $1000. "Anything we give them (the children's ward) is more than they had," he said.
Mr Hession said passengers also got a buzz out of riding the decorated buses.
"You get a lot of people that get on and take photos with their mobiles," he said.
"They have bit of a laugh - young people and the elderly get the biggest enjoyment and kid's eyes light up when hey get one."
Despite the success of the decorated buses, Mr Hession said he had not gone as far as dressing up as Santa.
"I think it's too hot for a big red suit day in, day out," he said.