A young male commuter from Rooty Hill, who signed our Proposed Mount Druitt Free Shuttle Bus Petition, thought the proposal was really needed by the people of Mount Druitt and Rooty Hill. He thought it was a good concept and that we should get it.
When he heard that Blacktown and Penrith lost there free shuttle bus services, he said, 'I never knew they even had one each - how did people know about it, when they were running?'
I advised, 'There were signs at train stations, buses had the Free Bus Shuttle signs, and hardly any promotions within the local communities from NSW for Transport/Government.'
I also advised him that if we can get 11,000 signatures for our Proposed Free Shuttle Bus Petition, the community will definitely know about it, we would have done the advertising for and on behalf of the NSW Government. This in itself a strong chance for the shuttle bus to happen and make it, even more popular, by the entire community knowing about it