Here is a quick response from the previous responses received in relation to Public Transport Commitment Statement. Now we can see that Local Transport planning is important and although not even thought of as an election issue in Local Government.
Here is Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson response by her e-mail received:

Labor say they are very concerned about transport yet I haven't seen them at the local Transport Symposiums or commuter group meetings, which I and The Greens candidate have attended.
Everything mentioned as approved for by Labor through Council was approved by the Liberals on Council as well.
And as I called for the report on parking meters I can tell you what Labor is saying about them is a lie.
It is easy to say you're supporting local commuters but, the proof is in what you actually do. Actions speak much louder than any amount of words as they say so perhaps these Labor Councillor's will actually attend the next MDCIGI meeting as I know I will be.
Here is Councillor Jacqueline Donaldson response by her e-mail received:
I can respond for Ward 4 and 5 as we are experiencing problems at Mt Druitt in particular.
I can respond for Ward 4 and 5 as we are experiencing problems at Mt Druitt in particular.
Labor say they are very concerned about transport yet I haven't seen them at the local Transport Symposiums or commuter group meetings, which I and The Greens candidate have attended.
Everything mentioned as approved for by Labor through Council was approved by the Liberals on Council as well.
And as I called for the report on parking meters I can tell you what Labor is saying about them is a lie.
It is easy to say you're supporting local commuters but, the proof is in what you actually do. Actions speak much louder than any amount of words as they say so perhaps these Labor Councillor's will actually attend the next MDCIGI meeting as I know I will be.